Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ash-e-Nar (Pomegranate soup of Iran)

Iran also known as Persia is one of the oldest country on earth. That is also a reason for a very huge variety in their cuisine. Even in some other countries famous recipes roots exist in Iran such as Baryani in India and Pakistan, Kabuli plavo of Afghanistan, Baklava of turkey and Azerbaijan's birth place was Iran.

"Ash-e-Nar" : There are a lot of soups and popular for their on specific taste. But "Ash-e-Nar" soup specialty is "at the same time you can enjoy sweet and sour taste together" that particular taste can't be present in any other soup. Iranian cooked food look very colorful because of the usage of colorful ingredients, spices and garnishing of vegetables and fruits.
In cooking procedure of "Ash-e-Nar" spit peas are let to boil under high temperature after sometime rice are added. When rice start split apart from each other, Sugar, Salt, spinach, pepper, and pomegranate juice along with meat balls made up of available ground lamb or cow meat, pepper. salt, turmeric are added and again boil the mixture until you feel like a creamy consistency. In another saucepan heat oil and put some grind turmeric when oil get very hot turn o fire put some crushed mint and stir it now put this oily mixture on boiling soup and let to simmer for further 2 to 3 minutes now your food is ready for serving.
Don't forget to garnish pomegranate seeds on soup before serving that make it to look very special.

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