Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Chicken Baryani

Baryani : It is one of the most famous recipe of sub continent. Historically its origin is from Iran, it's transfer to India via Afghanistan on the way a lot of different local spices added and found a new place and got new name there like kabuli pulao etc. But the word "Biryani" took birth in Lakhnau (Indian).
Its taste is very delicious. Its cooking procedure is different from other rice recipes. Chicken with yogurt and other spices are cook separately while rice are boiled separately then cooked chicken is sandwich between rice layers. After that sandwich form is putt into oven and left for 10 to 15 minutes now your food is ready.
It having a particular taste and very delicious smell. Usually it is served with salad and yogurt.
Taste this cultural dish that will be a good experience for you in life.

Bon appetite.

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